ChrisAll Solution moves tons heavy Air Flow Table for 'Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience’

Simon Sanggaard, laboratory responsible at the ‘ Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience’, standing at the Air Flow Table that SPS moved. The 1.8-tonne heavy table compensates for vibrations via automatically controlled air pressure in the table legs. At both sides of the table are sophisticated microscopes mounted and in the middle a laser for both devices.
Simon Sanggaard, laboratory responsible at the ‘Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience’, explains that the table – weigh about 1.8 tons – was to be moved from street level to fourth floor at the Panum. “It was a relatively complicated task, so we selected ChrisAll Solution for this,” says Simon.
An Air Flow Table is both a ‘table’ – and yet not entirely. Simon explains: “Firstly the table absorbs vibrations that may affect the function of e.g. microscopes. This is done via a constant pressure-controlled laminar flow through the legs of the table, which ensures smooth and event movements. Secondly the table’s extreme weight of 1.8 tons contributes to it’s high stability.”
“ChrisAll Solution took the job very professionally,” says Simon. “First they asked what is critical for the equipment in relation to the move. It was very reassuring that they were so proactive in ensuring that the equipment would not suffer any harm. ”

Overview of a section of the laboratory at the ‘Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience’.
ChrisAll Solution performs various facility tasks for the laboratory on a continuing basis, from complicated relocations of scientific equipment to small tasks. “I am really pleased with the cooperation with ChrisAll Solution. Both the big and complex tasks, as well as the small and simple, are professionally approached. And then they are always easy to get hold of and collaborate with, “says the laboratory manager, Simon Sanggard.

The vibration-free table – Air Flow Table – weighs about 1.8 tons, is hoisted with crane from street level to the second floor at the Panum.

On the vibration-free table there is a laser that serves the two 2-photon microscopes at both ends of the table.
About the Center for Basic and Translational Neuroscience:
The department’s research focuses on glial cells – known for their role as support cells for brain neurons. Laboratory research has helped illustrate glia cell’s role in several neurological disorders such as Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s but also in the healthy as key players for normal brain function including blood supply to active brain areas, brain drainage during sleep and adjustment of salt balance around nerve cells.
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About ChrisAll Solution:
ChrisAll Solution specializes in the relocation and re-establishment of laboratories, technical and scientific equipment, chemical and biological materials in the pharmaceutical industry, biotech, hospitals and universities. You can read more about ChrisAll Solution via this link: